Josh’s Frogs Spring to Life PREMIUM Springtail Food (4 oz)


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  • $35.95
  • $35.95
  • $35.95
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Josh’s Frogs Spring to Life Premium is an all-natural springtail diet formulated for all species of Collembola!

Developed by microfauna experts, this diet provides all the necessary protein, carbohydrates, calcium, trace minerals, and fungi that are essential for the growth and reproduction of springtail cultures.

Josh’s Frogs Premium Spring to Life is a powder and comes in a shaker container to make it easy to feed to your cultures. Sprinkle a little on the top of the culture media 1-2 times per week, depending on your springtail population.

Store in a cool, dry place.

Ingredients: Brewer’s yeast, calcium powder, mushroom powder, rice powder

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